Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Airports and Airlplanes

Since we found out that #2 was arriving early this year, we decided that we should take a few trips before the big arrival--because who knows when we will be able to travel again. My guess is not at all.

The vacations were all good. We travelled to Can.cun, and Atl.anta in the last 7 weeks. This means that we got on a plane 6 times with a toddler. Fun stuff. The trip on the way to can.cun was a little painful. They let us bored the plane and realized that we had a flight tire so they had to fix that which meant we had to sit inside the plane for an hour doing nothing!! Not so bad if you don't have a toddler. B was doing well, until the end of that hour...he just wanted out of his car seat!! Screaming and crying ensued and the guy across from us kept giving us the evil eye. Sorry buddy--I don't like it as much as you do. Once we were on the air, it took B a few minutes to settle down and he was able to sleep for about 1 1/2. Coming home was a different story. They recommend that you arrived at the airport 3 hours in advance in Can.cun--so like good citizens we followed this rule--only to find out that our flight was 2 hours delayed! Great. But not the end of the world--it is better to get stuck inside the airport than a plane with a toddler. We finally left Can.cun 4 hours after our original departure--once we were in the air B was asleep(thanks to a lot of walking and exploring around the airport). Unfortunately we were towards the back of the plane and there were a lot of commotion from the flight attendants, plus they were serving beverage. To make a long story short, all that noise woke B up after an hour. He was okay for a little bit, but once we reach Virginia we were informed that were thunderstorms and we have no clearance to fly to J.F.K at this point so we need to do circles around the area...for an hour!!! At this point it was already 10 pm way pass B's bedtime so to say he was hysterical doesn't even do it justice. We finally landed, after getting our bags and getting thru customs we finally made it home at 1:30 AM!!!!

A month after that trip, we braved it again and got on another plane to Again, on the way there everything was perfect. B was happy and even flirting with all the women. Coming home was another story. We were once again delayed in After 3 hours, our flight was cancelled. This was problematic since we were flying to a much smaller airport closer to our house, which means that we don't have a lot of options in terms of flights. To make a long story short, we had to fly into a different airport, call a car service to pick us up and drive us to the original airport to pick up our car. Our original flight was supposed to leave at 1:25. we left Chi.cago at 8 pm and arrived home at 12:30 AM!!! B was hysterical the first 30 minutes of the flight b/c he was so tired and he couldn't find a comfortable spot to sleep. The poor lady in front of us tried to offer some help-maybe because she can't stand listening to a screaming baby--but there really was nothing she can do.

A week after this, we once again got on a plane to go to Atl.anta. The flight both inbound and outbound was good--although we almost didn't get on the flight home since S didn't get a seat assignment and the flight was overbooked. I was dreading the flight due to our past history but no delays this time. But of course everything can't be perfect. When we got to the airport our main bag was no where to be found. We had to file a claim for it and it was finally delivered 24 hours later.

As you can see, I am not very eager to get on another plane or spend a single minute at an airport for a very long time. Today marks 28 weeks-so even if I wanted to fly I can't. Let's just say I am not disappointed about this at all--it is nice to be home. And I learned that yes, I have to respect all the other passangers and try to make their experience as pleasant as possible. But if you have a screaming child that you can't console-you heart just breaks and all you want to do is make you child feel better-no matter how many evil stares and looks you get. At the end of the day, my child's well being is the most important thing and he doesn't understand what is going on while a 40 year old man/woman should. You want to believe that they would be more understanding, but unfortunately that is not to be.


Blogger electriclady said...

Oh man, those delays sound horrible. We didn't have any major delays/problems but BG still melted down on the flight home (and that was after taking a 2+ hour nap on the flight)--I think after a week of traveling she had just had it.

July 23, 2008 1:36 PM  
Blogger electriclady said...

ps congratson 28 weeks!

July 23, 2008 1:36 PM  
Blogger JW Moxie said...

Jet setters! I think that with all of the delays, that would be enough vacationing to last me the next few years!

July 23, 2008 2:49 PM  
Blogger Josée Martens said...

Oh. My. Goodness.

I am exhausted by your tale. Poor little B. I've thrown an evil eye or two at parents who don't seem to care that their children are bored or tired. But when the situation just plain sucks, of course he is gonna have trouble. poor thing. Just wait til you have two of them to console! Thank goodness there are two of you!

28 weeks is a gorgeous milestone. Congratulations.

July 23, 2008 3:35 PM  
Blogger Josée Martens said...

Have I ever told you how much your comments mean to me? Thank you. :-) Big hugs!

July 23, 2008 4:43 PM  
Blogger Angie said...

28? Wow, congratulations!!

July 24, 2008 7:28 AM  
Blogger Caba said...

Wow. You are super brave! That's a lot of flying.

I know what you mean though, I always get all freaked out if I feel like my kids are bothering other people, but then I'm like "oh, deal with it!". Really, what do they want you to do?

Congrats on 28 weeks! It feels like this pregnancy has flown (probably because I'm not the pregnant one!) ... you guys must be getting SO excited!

July 26, 2008 1:44 PM  
Blogger Soralis said...

You are brave traveling with a toddler! I think we may have to fly across the country in the fall with our three... I am not looking forward to it!

Glad to hear that you are grounded for a while! :)

July 28, 2008 12:19 PM  

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