Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Half way and other stuff

I am officially at my halfway point with this P. It is pretty unbelievable--it started out pretty rocky but the last couple of weeks things have been good. Other than my growing belly-which is the biggest part of the P- and a little aches and pains there are really no other P signs. I didn't really have a lot of morning sickness or cravings. Maybe I caught a break this time since I had other stuff to worry about-like the multiple sacs. I think now that I am half way, I really need to start thinking about things that we need to get done--for example where to put the baby, furniture, double stroller and preparing B. I am not really sure how to do that last item, I thought of buying some big brother books and reading it to him, but I am not sure if he will really get it. A part of me believes that I can try and try but nothing can really prepare him until the baby is here--I think it is the same approach for the parents too! We think we are ready for 2 but until they are both home, I don't think we know what we are getting ourselves into. We are going for our 20th week u/s this Thursday and I think we will find out the sex. I am still on the fence with it, there are days that I want to know, but I also remember how much fun it was not knowing if B was a boy or a girl! It might be one of those decisions we will make during the actually u/s!

Now the other stuff--we went away this weekend to Eastern Ct for the holiday weekend. It was a lot of fun-for the most part. We saw some beluga whales and some tall ships and had some really good seafood! B is a pretty good traveler. He is pretty content being in the car and for the most part enjoys the scenery or he would take a nap. The bad part is the nap and bedtime routine. B is a really good sleeper-we have our routine down and everyone one in the family is pretty happy. He is a really good sleeper-he naps 2-3 hours a day and goes down at 7:30 pm and wakes up between 6:30-7:00 am. We've been very lucky so we are not complaining. The problem is when we are away from our house-like this weekend. He gets really confused and doesn't know what to do with himself. The first night we were away, we attempted to put him in his pack-n-play but he screamed bloody murder!! Because we were staying in a hotel we didn't want him to keep crying and disturbing other hotel guests, so after about 5 minutes of screaming we broke down and put him in bed with us. It was only 7:45 pm-we decided to turn off all the lights and lay with him until he falls asleep. Great idea at first, but it took almost 1 1/2 hours for him to go down! He kept trying to get up and wanted to walk. There was a mirror at the opposite wall of the bed, so he kept getting up and he would look at himself and crack up. Finally, he went down, but since we are not used to sharing a bed with him, and he sleeps like an octopus, S and I didn't really sleep. B was all over the place and we didn't want to move him in fear of waking him up! The next night was a little better, we put the pack-n-play next to our bed. We let him run around the room until he was tired-it didn't matter if it was past his bed time. When he went to bed, he cried a little, not as bad as the first night and he crashed after about 10 minutes. He did wake up about 2 times in the middle of the night, but I think overall it was better than Saturday night.

Other than the bedtime struggles, B was the typical 16 month old. All he wanted is to walk and not be confined in his stroller. We let him walk around, but we pay for it when it is time for him to get back on the stroller or his car seat. He fights us-kicks and screams!!! I guess I can't really blame him knowing that once he is strapped in--he has not control on when he will get his freedom again. One of the worst meltdown happened this weekend-when he just refused to be carried or be put in the stroller--we were inside a playhouse and it was time to go and he wasn't really ready yet. We thought if we took him out to the boats he will forget about the playhouse and focus his attention on the boat. Boy we were so WRONG!!! This caused a major meltdown where I felt like all the parents were just looking at us! It felt like it lasted hours, but I am pretty sure it was only 10 minutes or so...needless to say it was still 10 minutes too long.

We are home for now....we are headed to on Friday. I hope this long weekend prepared me for the upcoming trip-or at least I know what to expect. If we find out the sex of the baby I will try to post before we leave...but if not, sorry ladies I will update you when I return!


Blogger Caba said...

I can't believe you are already at the half way point! So exciting! I want you to find out what you having! (But that's just me being selfish!!)

At this age, I don't know if you can prepare B for a new baby ... but the good thing is that he is so young that I can't imagine it's going to be too hard. My friends kids are 5 years apart, and that was a lot harder, because their older daughter was SO used to having her parents to herself. I feel like B is young enough to not have those issues.

Boy, you are going to Mexico? I am JEALOUS! Have a great trip ... can't wait to hear all the good news from the ultrasound!

May 27, 2008 8:00 PM  
Blogger Josée Martens said...

So glad you are doing well. I've been wondering about you. Sounds like you've reached a fantastic milestone. I hope you have a lot of fun picking out everything now, especially if you know the sex. Miss you, Momo!

Mexico sounds awesome right now. Where are you going?

May 27, 2008 11:49 PM  
Blogger Josée Martens said...

I posted the recipe.

Hope you are doing well.

May 29, 2008 8:13 AM  

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