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Tuesday, March 04, 2008

New Day, Old News

Went to visit my OB yesterday... I think I will give her the name Dr. Midwest-she grew up in the Midwest and lived in for about 10 years so we have a lot of things to talk about it. The u/s tech was really nice. She tried to do the traditional u/s, not the v-cam, but realized after seeing all the mysterious sacs that we had to do the v-cam. There is really nothing new to report. I still have 5 empty sacs, one of them is smaller than last time so Dr. Midwest said that this was a good thing. They are starting to disintegrate and this is what we want to see. Although this time I gained 1 additional hematoma-great-so I now have 2. I expect to at least have some bleeding or spotting since these hematoma needs to go somewhere. They are not very big so she doesn't require any bed rest or anything-but of course I am a little worried. The baby's heartbeat is165bpm, which is very good...but he/she is measuring at 7w6d-which is right on track of my due date of Oct. 15th. I was a little worried since the last time I went to Dr. W last week, the baby was measuring 7w4d. Dr. Midwest that this was not a concern and it is within the margin of error(which she told me was 7 days). The important thing was that the baby was growing-she would be concerned if their measurement was less than Dr. W from last week. So even though I was really worried about it, I have to trust her. There is so much uncertainty about what's going on inside me that I feel like I am walking on egg shells with this pregnancy. For now, I am not going to a specialist-I go back next week for another u/s.

As for p symptoms, not as much. Nothing sounds appetizing in terms of food, with my last p, at this point of my pregnancy I was puking every night(knock on wood). This time around, I feel nauseous but I haven't thrown up. Spr.ite seems to do the trick with making me feel better. Oh and the constipation is back..lovely. I am also tired all the time.

***warning child mentioned below***

On another note, I feel bad that I've neglected writing about B the last couple of months. He turned 14 months yesterday. My little boy is growing up so fast. I have some long overdue posts about him. Hopefully I will catch up this week.

So that's is pretty much the same thing-still waiting and hoping that by next week, we start to see these mysterious sacs disappear...I so hope so.


Blogger electriclady said...

Well, at least there are no new sacs and they are starting to disintegrate. That sounds like a good sign to me!

BTW, Bat Girl measured 7w6d at my last RE u/s and then measured 7w4d at my first OB appointment, 4 days later. I thought she was shrinking, but really the OB's u/s machine was so much less accurate than the RE's that there was bound to be a huge margin of error.

March 04, 2008 11:42 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

There is some encouraging news. The strong hearbeat is great! The diminishing sac, good.

The hemotoma, eh, not so great. However, with the weekly ultrasounds it will be under watch and you know what to expect.

I can't wait to hear B updates :)

March 04, 2008 2:51 PM  
Blogger Josée Martens said...

So glad to hear your happy news. Glad you could spend some time listening to your baby. Lets get those orbs gone. I hope you can relax just a tiny bit more this week. Post soon! Some cute B stories could cheer anyone up!

March 05, 2008 1:18 PM  
Blogger Angie said...

I'm just glad to hear that the doc says things are looking good.

March 05, 2008 2:31 PM  
Blogger Caba said...

I know it's frustrating. I'm sure you want to go in there and see one perfect sac (like you do) and NOTHING ELSE! I'm just glad to hear that that little guy (or gal) is holding strong and growing away!

I know it must be hard to be going through this now with a toddler at home. But I also think it's really great that you are going to be giving B a sibling so close in age. So although he may have a little less of mommy right now when she isn't feeling at her best, it's going to be a MUCH easier transition when his sibling comes into play, and it's just going to be great. Hang in there!

March 05, 2008 8:13 PM  

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