Sigh of Relief
Third beta is in--and I am happy to say that it looks better than last friday. HCG is now up to 4,608 and progesterone is 115. This is a doubling time of 48 hours,,,whew!!! I was such a mess this weekend, I just kept thinking that if this is not going to work, please let this end and don't let it drag out. Thank you so much for all the support--I really don't know what I would do without this community. Next up is u/s next Tuesday. Today, I am 5w1d p...if I calculated correctly. Thank you!!!
Woohoo!!!! I'm so relieved and happy for you--I kept checking back all day!
Wonderful news!!! CONGRATS!!!
Awesome! Phew!!
Congratulations, can't wait for the u/s!
Phew. Well done to that embryo (or embryos...)
YAY!!!! That's great news, congrats.
Yeah Momo! Way to go embryo(s)...grow well.
This is GREAT NEWS :)
I can't believe you haven't called me yet!!! I'm calling you right now - pick up the phone!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! What a relief. You are p.r.e.g.n.a.n.t.
I am really looking forward to your bean count next Tuesday.
How are you going to celebrate Valentine's Day now?
Such wonderful news ... I've been thinking about you! Can't wait to hear the count at the ultrasound!
Thank you for the comment on my blog.
Coming here and reading your good news is very cheering! I have to admit, that it really helps to know I'm not alone on this ride. And it helps even more to hear that there's good news for you. Yay!
Firstly thank you so much for your encouragment on your Blog. I went straight to your Blog to see your figures, I was a bit intimidated by the high numbers. Mine are so pathetically low. I will only know next Thursday if this is 'going anywhere. Meantime, yours TOTALLY looks like it is definately going somewhere. So a Big Mazal Tov. Keep doubling! and enjoy this wonderful journey.
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