Seven...I am not feeling lucky
So I just received our fertilization report and out of the 12 eggs, 5 were immature and the seven that were mature all fertilized. To say that I am disappointed is an understatement. Again, with our numbers coming in, I was really hoping for better results. I guess my wish of freezing some embryos are now old news. This is so hard and frustrating..I just feel like nothing has gone our way since we started this cycle. I think I was producing too many follicles too fast and not giving them enough time to develop. I can't help but think of the next step since my hopes for this cycle is slowly and painfully being crushed. I doubt we will make it to a day 5 transfer, since we only have 7 to go with. S doesn't understand why I am so sad and disappointed. He said 7 is good and this is the closest we've ever been to being pregnant. I know he is right, but I still can't snap out of this.
So if we do a day 3 transfer, it will be Mother's Day--how appropriate, if we make it to Day 5 it will be Tuesday and ironically that is S's birthday.
So if we do a day 3 transfer, it will be Mother's Day--how appropriate, if we make it to Day 5 it will be Tuesday and ironically that is S's birthday.
7 Sounds great to me! I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day ;) I'll be thinking of you!
Momo - 7 fertilized eggs is an excellent place to start from. Truly. How many are you planning to transfer anyway? And from all the reading I've been doing on blastocyst transfers, a 5 day transfer doesn't increase pregnancy rates. You're in good shape! Be proud of yourself for getting this far.
Mo-I understand and relate to your expectations and it's so hard to stay optimistic when you're in the midst of things. However, I'm so exited to hear about your numbers because many people I know with 7 have been successful. We'll be sending lots of good vibes your way either Sunday or Tuesday---keep us posted!
7 fertilised eggs is good, sweetie. You may very well have some to freeze.
We had 8 fertalize and ended up with 6 frozen - don't give up hope yet.
This is such a difficult time - waiting for fert results and transfer is nail biting. I wishing for the best for you.
I don't know enough about the numbers to be able to speak from experience and reassure you, but know we're out here sending you the best possible thoughts! Hang in there.
I completely relate to how you're feeling, I'm going through the same thing right now. Because of that I'm not sure that I have enough experience to say something uplifting, especially since I was feeling let down my numbers too. However, during my second conversation with my nurse today I learned that a day 3 transfer isn't that awful, that many women go in with the number of embryos that we have on day 3 and things work out for them. I'm going to hope, for the both of us, that we'll be like those women. You did well, 7 is a good number. I'll be thinking about you, and I wish you the best of luck!
Came over by way of Sube :) Just wanted to lend you some support. 7 eggs...what is a good thing!!
You and I have very similar histories and on my IVF I hyperstimulated and had 31 follicles. I got a nice high retrieval count but the follicles were not very mature or strong. So sometimes smaller numbers are better. Here's hoping that your seven are nice healthy embies ready to settle in for the long haul.
I am thinking of you and sending you lots of positive thoughts.
it's all in the perspective. maybe in order to help yourself "snap out of it" (as you said) try thinking of the 7 from a different angle.
like, imagine that you had only 3 retrieved. or imagine that you retrieved 20 but none fertilized. or imagine that, well, you get the picture. i am not sure if it helps re-jig your feelings about your Super Seven, but maybe it will just a little?
Congratulations on the latest hurdle. Seven sounds great and I'll be thinking about you on Mother's day! Good luck.
I understand your disapointment in this numbers game . . . but 7 really is good! You and your cycle buddy sube are right in synch!
Not sure if this helps, but I had 15 ret, 9 mature and 9 fert and we transfered 3 and froze 2, so don't give up on freezing just yet either. Last time we had 10 embies and none to freeze so more is not always better.
Wishing you lots of luck with these seven!!
It's quality that matters, if you can get 3 or 4 excellent quality ones out of the bunch then that's all you need. My last IVF cycle yielded 16 eggs, we had 11 embryos by transfer day but only 1 was great quality. I would have much rather had 7 eggs and 4 great embryos.
Good luck with transfer - and take some extra folic acid (recent study showed increase in implantation/twins with increased folate intake).
I think that 7 is a great number of embryos. All or most of those may grow and divide beautifully. Quality is so much more important than quantity. We had 11 embryos, and only 2 didn't have the lethal version of my husband's chromosome disorder. Ironically, they were the 2 that were of the worst quality.
I think that it is very likely that you will have a few left over to freeze. Try to hang in there. This is all so stressful. Hugs to you!
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