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Thursday, January 03, 2008

Happy Birthday B!!

I can't believe a year ago today I received the most special gift! When I woke up this morning I was trying to relive this day last year. It is so crazy to think that I had a baby a year ago today. Life is different, but in a really good way!

I can't put in words how much I love this child. When I wake up each morning all I want to do is to see him and smell his hair and kiss his hand and feet. I can't wait to see that big smile that is waiting for me when I open his door in the morning. I smile when I hear him make noises through the monitor each morning letting me know that he is awake and is ready to start his day.

B is such a wonderful boy(I know I am a little biased but I am the mom after all!) He loves to laugh and he smiles at everyone he sees. He loves to watch people and is very interested in everything that is going on around him. One lady told us that he brings out a smile on everyone-and I believe this!!! He is a very social baby-when we go to music class he crawls up to everyone and sits on their lap and plays with them!! Yes, like all toddlers he does have some meltdowns, but they are seldom and it doesn't last very long. He is a very happy and content child--what else can we ask for?

He is trying to communicate with us. He loves to babble and some words you can make up like-up, uh oh, opah(my mom believes he is saying op.rah),dada. He babbles in places where he shouldn't, like church. If you try to get him to keep quiet the more he babbles!! He is almost walking. He is trying to stand up without any support. He is cruising like crazy!! Oh and he discovered the stairs and it is his new favorite spot.

He loves to play with all his toys--he loves anything that plays music! I think he gets this from his dad who also loves music. He loves to play his drums and enjoys banging on everything he gets his hands on! He also has this weird obsession with remote controls, cell phones and blackberries!! He loves to ride around the house in his little toy plane and truck!!(yes we have those!!)

Happy 1st Birthday B! I wish you a wonderful life ahead and another year full of blessings, joy and adventure. I hope that you will grow up happy and healthy. I hope that your father and I are showing you a good example of how to live life to the fullest and how to appreciate things. Every day with you is a blessing and we are overwhelmed with love and happiness whenever we are around you.


Blogger electriclady said...

Happy birthday B! And happy birth day to you, mama!

January 03, 2008 12:12 PM  
Blogger beagle said...

Happy Birthday to your little guy!

January 03, 2008 1:27 PM  
Blogger Caba said...

Yeah, I had the right day! Happy Birthday B! Sounds like you have a wonderful wonderful son! It's funny but I never realized how special of a day my birthday must be to my parents, because today is just as special a day for you as it is for him! Oh, and Opa is German for Grandpa, so maybe he's bilingual already!

January 03, 2008 8:39 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Happy Belated Birthday B!!!

It's amazing that he is a year. He's a lucky little boy to have great parents and you are lucky parents to have a great little boy.

January 04, 2008 12:39 PM  

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