Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Umm..a little afraid and need some help from you guys!

Went back for my blood and u/s today. I just received a call from the clinic and I am to STOP go.nal-F and continue with lu.pron and 1 powder of men.opur. Stopping go.nal-F makes me really wonder if I was over stimulated!!! Argh!! I have 5 more days left of stims(before the first day of retrieval) and my biggest follicle is measuring at 17.5!!!! I have 5 measurable follicles on my left and 8 on my right ranging from 17.5 to 8. I know I said I wasn't going to obsess with numbers, obviously that lasted all of 24 hours!! I have to go back again tomorrow for more monitoring.

Here is where I need your help--how many of you guys went on bed rest after the transfer? My doctor recommends 2 days of bed rest after transfer, which of course I did with B-but this time, I am not sure what to do. I want to get back home right away-and I figured how physical is flying anyway? I know some doctors don't recommend bed rest and they just tell you to take it easy. I just want to know what each of you did--maybe this will help me make a decision.


Blogger Thalia said...

i didn't do bed rest. One major reason - it has been shown by a controlled study to make no difference. In fact, pregnancy rates were higher in women who did a normal level of activity. So don't do it!

January 15, 2008 7:38 PM  
Blogger Caba said...

My clinic (big well respected clinic in NJ) told us that no bedrest was required. My doctor said there is no proof what so ever that being on bed rest after transfer helps at all. Now, that being said, I put myself on a modified bed rest for a day and a half. The day of the transfer, and the next day, I didn't work. I just stayed home, laid around, and hung out. I still went to the bathroom, showered, etc, but just took it easy. I figured, no harm in being lazy, right?

January 15, 2008 7:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When we did IVF our doctors didn't recommend bedrest or better said he mentioned that it didn't matter if I went home and placed myself in bed or if I went to work and sat down and worked. They only thing I wasn't supposed to do was heavy physical activities everything else was ok. I did exactuly what "the dunn family" did, put myself on modified bedrest. When we did the IUI (that resulted in Stella), J and I went on a day trip to celebrate J's birthday, I drank Champagne and had a wonderful day full of activities....and Stella was conceived. So I agree with the others....

January 16, 2008 12:38 PM  
Blogger beagle said...

I seriously doubt that bedrest helps. But my rule was to do the thing that would leave me not second guessing myself. (Ya, and I often second guessed myslef anyway!)

Good Luck with everything!

January 16, 2008 3:40 PM  
Blogger Serenity said...

I also didn't do bedrest - actually my transfer was the day our quarter reviews started, so I went right to work after our transfer. About the only thing I did was pre and post-transfer acupuncture, but reeally it was a good excuse to lay down for a half hour after the transfer. :)

And like the others said, there's no real proof that bedrest helps conception. So I say fly home and don't worry about it!

January 16, 2008 4:22 PM  
Blogger seattlegal said...

I just took it easy.

January 16, 2008 6:57 PM  

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