Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Catching Up

Hi...sorry I was MIA for so long. I've been swamp with work (you would think that since I am joining the unemployment line in the next couple of months that I would just be cruising and kicking back--well not in this case). Things are going good. I met my new OB last Friday and she seems nice. It is a very small practice-only 2 doctors. I am not used to this-but maybe it is a good thing. I guess we just have to wait and see. The baby is doing well and measuring right on track. I still have 3 sacs, but they are so small compared to the baby so I am feeling so much better--I think I can say that they are almost a non issue. I don't have to go every 2 weeks anymore, my next appointment is not until the 22nd of May. I still haven't really told people, I have no idea what I am waiting for. Of course, people around here know since you really can't hide it anymore(and we really don't know anyone out here), but our close friends and family outside of CT, which most of them are, have no idea. S said, it is easy to hide when no one can see you!!!

On the B front, he is doing perfect. We went to his 15 month appointment a couple of weeks ago and he weighs 23.6 pds and 32 1/2 inches long!! He is slim and skinny--okay, well he really doesn't look that skinny! The last couple of weeks he's been very vocal and just a chatter box. Granted we don't understand anything he is saying, but it is nice to hear him vocalize himself. He also dropped his morning nap, but now we need to work on getting his afternoon nap in a more normal time. He goes down around 12:30 and I am hoping eventually that will be pushed to around 1 or 1:30. It such a difference now that he only takes 1 nap...I feel like we have this chunk in the morning where we can do stuff because we don't have to worry about the morning nap!

There is one thing that B started doing that worries me a little. Lately, he's been into humping. Yes you heard me right ladies, humping!!! I was so beside myself the first time I saw it. There are 2 things that he "enjoys" humping, his monkey blanket and his sippy cup!!!! I have no idea what to do. If he does it in front of us, we take the item away-usually his sippy cup-and we say that this is a no, no. But I am pretty sure he lays in his crib and humps the monkey to no end!!! Have you guys heard of anything like this? I it and found out that this is normal, mostly it starts at 2 and girls are more likely to do it than boys!!! I am too embarrass to ask our doctor, but I think I will have too, but we are not going to see her until July!!! I know this is a normal thing, and everything I read said this is normal--but I guess I just didn't expect it from an almost 16th month old boy!!! I get pictures in my head that he will be this or something--I know I am overreacting, but this really worries me.

On another topic, we were supposed to take a family vacation to Ma.zat.lan this May but since S is so busy with work and they have a major project that keeps getting pushed back, we had to cancel our trip. Needless to say I was very upset, angry, etc. If I wasn't P, it won't be a big deal since we can just re-schedule to another time, but with the P we are kind of in a time line. To make a long story short, we had to pick another destination and start from scratch. We can't go to Ma.zat.lan since we are only going for 6 days vs. our original 8 days and the flight alone takes almost a full day. We need a destination that is a direct flight and a short flight-around 4 hours. So we decided to go to Can.cun. I am not too happy about this, but it is better than not going on vacation at all. The resort is beautiful so that is a plus, but I know that the surrounding area caters to younger crowd. Oh well, as long as we stay in the resort we should have a good time.

Well, this is all for now ladies...sorry for the long post!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Still Here

Sorry for taking so long to update. I think part of the reason that I haven't updated is that I just feel like I sound like a broken record--I don't have anything new to report other than I am still P and that there are still uninvited sacs present in my uterus. I went back for a f/u today and they found 3 sacs plus the baby-last week at my NT scan they found 2. I wasn't jumping up and down for joy when I heard this because I wanted a second u/s to confirm that there were indeed only 2 sacs left. After my experience a couple of weeks ago, I knew that I can't celebrate right away. Things are progressing nicely with the baby. The NT scan showed that he/she has a very low chance of downs so that is a good thing. I have 1 more appointment with Dr. Midwest(in 2 weeks) and then I transfer to the new OB. I try to just focus on the baby at this point. I keep thinking that these sacs are so small that eventually the baby will just take over the space. I am entering my 2nd trimester and I feel like the last few weeks all I can think about are these sacs that I forget what is really important. I want to enjoy this P and not be so overly concerned about things that I can't control. I figured at this point, what ever happen will happen and there is nothing I can do about it. The baby is growing well and there is nothing to be worried about. 12 weeks down, 28 weeks more to go-I hope.

I finally broke down this week and wore a maternity top! I was trying to hold off for so long--I think mentally I wasn't ready to take them out. Not that I don't like/enjoy that I am pregnant-but I was well into my 2nd trimester(I believe it was in the 17th or 18th week) the first pregnancy before I put on a maternity outfit. I knew that with the 2nd P you pop out sooner and your body knows what to do and everything is all stretched out. But I wasn't ready for this at 8 or 10 weeks!!! But you know it is time to surrender when your nanny says something about your outfit!!! So as of yesterday I started wearing maternity top. I wasn't ready for the pants yet, until today when Dr. Midwest mentioned that it might be time for new pants!!! Boy, was I embarrassed!!! So here I am barely at 12 weeks and I think I need to throw the towel and accept that fact that I won't make it to 17 weeks, it's time.

On the B front, well he is actually 15 months today!!! I can't believe it. He is growing so much and getting into everything. He is still not fully walking, but he can take a few steps at a time. Last week he took 14 steps on his own without falling!!! I am so proud of him. I also think he is transitioning to 1 nap a day. I noticed that if he takes his morning nap, it is almost impossible for him to go down for an afternoon nap. We would put him in his crib and he will talk to himself and his monkey blanket for an hour!!! I guess the upside is that he is not screaming or crying. So I think we will try to transition him to 1 nap a day and see how this will work out. He babbles a lot-but we are still working on him saying mama--oh well, I know he will get there. He loves playing his drums and any other musical instruments he can get his hands on. I guess those music classes are really paying off! Every night before bedtime, he listens to music and plays along with S--it is super cute to watch. He is such a happy boy and we are so blessed to have him.