Finally a decision
We finally made a decision...we hired a nan.nny. Deciding to hire a na.nny became easier when B got sick 2x in 2 weeks. Two weeks ago, while I was writing my last post about what do to with this situation, B developed a fever. I received a phone call on my train ride home and since I was on the train the connection was really bad. All I heard was, hi Mrs. Momo, this is X and this is not an emergency...then silence. I tried to call back, but of course I couldn't get a connection. Finally I got off the train and I called and I was told that B developed a fever. I took him home, he was pretty miserable-his fever was around 103 for about 2 days. I took him to the doctor the next day and found out he caught a bacteria. Great, not even 2 weeks at said and he is sick. I kept him home for 2 days and he was fine.
He went back to school the next week, he still had a stuffy nose, but for the most part he was okay. Then when I went to pick him up on Wednesday-there was this big sign at the door that there was a vi.rus at vi.rus(similar to vi.rus which is horrible!!)-all I can say was FANTASTIC!! They made us take all their sheets and blankets home to wash and they were doing a major cleaning of the school. B was fine that night--so I took him to school the next day(half his class was wiped out!!). As I was telling my boss about it, she was like "I can't believe you took him there today--go get him or I will be really mad". So at ten I picked him up and he was fine until lunch time. After he eat his lunch--BAM! projectile vomiting in action. He vomited all over my hair, shirt, couch, floor and lamp!! Of course my first instinct was that he caught the vi.rus. Luckily that was the only incident that entire weekend(he threw up some more, but mostly because he doesn't want to eat...more on that later). To make a long story short, we decided that a nan.ny is probably the best option for us right now. First of all, we don't want him to keep getting sick, secondly I can't keep taking off 2 days a week because B is sick. What we decided is that we will have a na.nny until he is about 15 months old and then he is going back to We figured that he will be older and he might be able to fight off any sickness better,plus it is really important to us that he gets stimulation from teachers and other kids vs. a na.nny. That is of course if I am still employed at that time-I am not sure how long my gig will last.
Deciding on who to hire was a harder decision. We really liked one lady who lived about 22 miles away. We were afraid that after doing the drive-especially during the winter she will decide to look for something closer to her. Because of this we decide to hire our second choice who lives in our town. I kept going back and forth and feeling sick to my stomach trying to decide who to hire(note to self--I will be a terrible employer since I feel bad not being able to give everyone a job). I will never know if we hired the right lady--you see hiring a nan.ny is not like buying a car where you can test drive it first before you make a decision! I just hope that I made the right choice.
Now on B not wanting to eat. The last couple of days he's been really difficult to feed. He usually gets 5 bottles a day(breakfast, mid morning, lunch, mid afternoon and dinner) and along with breakfast he gets oatmeal w/apple sauce, and for lunch and dinner he gets a vegetable and a little bit of fruit. The last couple of days he would only take a few ounces(2-3 vs 6 ounces) of milk per feeding and he would barely finish his vegetable. Of course I am so worried that he is not eating enough so I keep forcing him to eat--which I found out that this was a bad idea after he throw up 2x!! I am hoping that he is just going thru some stage(maybe it has something to do with his teething??) vs. a big problem like a block in his system. For now, we are watching him. He ate well yesterday and this morning so I crossing my fingers.
He went back to school the next week, he still had a stuffy nose, but for the most part he was okay. Then when I went to pick him up on Wednesday-there was this big sign at the door that there was a vi.rus at vi.rus(similar to vi.rus which is horrible!!)-all I can say was FANTASTIC!! They made us take all their sheets and blankets home to wash and they were doing a major cleaning of the school. B was fine that night--so I took him to school the next day(half his class was wiped out!!). As I was telling my boss about it, she was like "I can't believe you took him there today--go get him or I will be really mad". So at ten I picked him up and he was fine until lunch time. After he eat his lunch--BAM! projectile vomiting in action. He vomited all over my hair, shirt, couch, floor and lamp!! Of course my first instinct was that he caught the vi.rus. Luckily that was the only incident that entire weekend(he threw up some more, but mostly because he doesn't want to eat...more on that later). To make a long story short, we decided that a nan.ny is probably the best option for us right now. First of all, we don't want him to keep getting sick, secondly I can't keep taking off 2 days a week because B is sick. What we decided is that we will have a na.nny until he is about 15 months old and then he is going back to We figured that he will be older and he might be able to fight off any sickness better,plus it is really important to us that he gets stimulation from teachers and other kids vs. a na.nny. That is of course if I am still employed at that time-I am not sure how long my gig will last.
Deciding on who to hire was a harder decision. We really liked one lady who lived about 22 miles away. We were afraid that after doing the drive-especially during the winter she will decide to look for something closer to her. Because of this we decide to hire our second choice who lives in our town. I kept going back and forth and feeling sick to my stomach trying to decide who to hire(note to self--I will be a terrible employer since I feel bad not being able to give everyone a job). I will never know if we hired the right lady--you see hiring a nan.ny is not like buying a car where you can test drive it first before you make a decision! I just hope that I made the right choice.
Now on B not wanting to eat. The last couple of days he's been really difficult to feed. He usually gets 5 bottles a day(breakfast, mid morning, lunch, mid afternoon and dinner) and along with breakfast he gets oatmeal w/apple sauce, and for lunch and dinner he gets a vegetable and a little bit of fruit. The last couple of days he would only take a few ounces(2-3 vs 6 ounces) of milk per feeding and he would barely finish his vegetable. Of course I am so worried that he is not eating enough so I keep forcing him to eat--which I found out that this was a bad idea after he throw up 2x!! I am hoping that he is just going thru some stage(maybe it has something to do with his teething??) vs. a big problem like a block in his system. For now, we are watching him. He ate well yesterday and this morning so I crossing my fingers.