Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Please someone tell me how to do this

So I am feeling like cr.ap today. I have a terrible cold that I suspect B gave me, but we are not sure about that yet. I feel so miserable that I don't even know how I will take care of B after work today. I called S to see if he can get off work early for 2 reasons:
  1. To take care of B
  2. To prevent B from catching what I have since we are not sure if he is the one who gave it to me. He's had a cold since mid-August and I feel like there is no end to it!! I feel bad for him because I know he is miserable.

S's response...well I have a conference call at 3 and 4 this afternoon. I am thinking to myself...great. That means to relief for me. I am trying to drink a bunch of tea to see if that will make me feel better and clear up the congestion, but so far no luck. I am taking cold medication, but for some reason that is not helping me out either! Argh.

Oh what to do. B's doing a lot of whining cry lately. Nothing seems to make him happy. Little things will make him cry--like being left in his crib while I prepare his bath or picking him up from his bath to dry him off and leaving all the rubber ducky toys behind..he gets a major meltdown like I flush his goldfish down the toilet or something. Oh this is going to be a fun evening.

I wish I can get a new nose when the one you have is out of will make my life right now so much easier. Because right now all I want to do is lay in bed and close my eyes. But we all know that there is going to be a 9 month old who is teething and all the glory that comes with that waiting for me as I walk in the door tonight.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

It's Like Dating All Over Again

As most of you know, we just moved to our new "home" in June. We packed up all the things we owned and left all our friends and relatives. Everyone told me not to worry about meeting people..that with a new baby mothers will flock to me because there is this "mommy sorority" that everyone just wants to be your friend.

Well, guess what??!?? They all lied!!! We've been here for 3 months now and I can count in one hand how many people we know. Here is the list:
  1. Our neighbor
  2. Our landlord
  3. Our nanny
  4. Cleaning lady

There you go people!! It is pretty pathetic. And believe me I've tried meeting people. I called the library to see if they have reading programs for children and they said "oh yes dear we do" so I silently said a "woo-hoo" to myself. Then I asked for a schedule because during that time I was on leave of absence and it will be a perfect time to take B out and spend some mommy and me time. They said check on line and I said I did and I didn't see a summer schedule and the nice lady said "oh dear, we don't have any summer schedule since we can never fill the classes up--all the kids go away to their second homes". W.T.F???? How about for people who doesn't have a second home???? So needless to say, there was no reading program for B.

I was so desperate to meet people, I even attempted to strike a conversation at I saw a mom with her 1 year old boy in the baby food section. I was also buying food for B and we started chatting. She seemed nice, I told her that I was looking for a part time job and she said to send her my resume and she can forward it to her friend who is in the same field. We exchanged info, the next day I sent her an email w/my resume. She was nice enough and responded back and asked if I wanted to have coffee some afternoon since she works in our neighborhood! I was so excited, finally a "friend". I said yes, and guess what??? I never heard from her again!!!

So with this experience, I feel like I am dating all over again...every time I go out, I am silently hoping to see a mom and we can start a conversation, and then maybe we will get invited to a play group. Then if they don't call I start wondering why they are not calling back-was it something I said, did B not friendly enough?? This entire experience makes me cringe...I hated dating to begin with and having these same feelings again is just making me so uncomfortable.

B is starting a music class on Saturday. I know he doesn't even realize it, but I am so nervous about it. Maybe we will meet some moms....but at the same time I am worried... what if the moms don't like us and. What if all these moms already know each other and we are invading their little group? Or maybe we are not the right profile(sad to say that our neighborhood is a little bit on the snobby side). Argh!! Can I just say how much I hate this??!!??

Wish us luck...maybe, just maybe, we will get asked out on a date this Saturday.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

8 Months

B turned 8 months last Monday!! Woo-hoo...I think. I am excited that he is growing and happy and content, but I am sad that time is flying and I feel like I need to stop it. I am just not ready for him to grow up so quickly.

Here is what is going on with B so far:

-He is "crawling"--we call it frogging really since it is not the normal crawling that someone would imagine. He gets on his hands and knees and scoots all over the place.

-He loves to try and stand up. He does the "downward dog" position all the time!

-He doesn't like to sit up!! He can sit up on his own for about 30 seconds before he loses his balance! Forget the bumbo..he will sit there for about 3 minutes and will start to get irritated. I think in his head he is saying "screw this sitting and crawling!! I am walking!"

-He loves to eat...for the most part. He is now down to 5 feedings a day. He gets milk and oatmeal w/apple sauce for breakfast, milk mid-morning , milk and veggie/fruit for lunch and milk and veggie w/meat for dinner.

-Yesterday, he went from stomach to semi sitting up--he was able to lift himself to a semi sitting position!! I was so proud of him. I think it is just a matter of days before he can completely do it!!

-He is a good napper! He takes 2 naps a day. One in the morning for about 1-1/2 hours and one in the afternoon for another 1 1/2 hours! Sometimes he will nap for 2-2 1/2 hours!!

-He babbles a lot! Oh does he babble. He gets up around 6 in the morning and for the most part we leave him in his crib until we are done getting ready in the morning. He wakes up happy and he just babbles to himself until we are ready to get him! I love listening to him in the monitor every morning talk to himself. I wonder all the time what he is saying and what is going on inside his little head!

Well, this is all I can think of right now. As I said earlier, he is growing so fast. I need time to slow down just a tiny little bit!