So I went for another u/s and blood work are the stats:
Estrogen-1,271( the charts for me!)
Rt ovary-1 lead follicle at 15 and 6 others under 12
Lt ovary-2 lead follicle one at 17 and the other at 17.5, and 5 others under 12
So according to my favorite nurse...we will probably have 3 eggs ovulate. That makes me really excited...that is 200% better than the last 2 cycles. So the trigger shot is tonight....and then we go for IUI tomorrow morning and Friday morning. I decided to take the days off for the IUI...I figured I should try to take it as easy as possible as this is our last IUI and I will do anything for it to work. Please let this work!
On another note...Spring officially started last Monday...but if you live in Chicago, you have to accept the fact that we don't have a spring. The temperature is still really cold...(low 20's in the morning and the high is in the 30's). If we are lucky we will probably get 1 or 2 days of 70 degree days's 90 and humid!!!! I love this city, but how I wish we had better weather. Anyway, I was just thinking of spring and realized that another season passed AGAIN...and still no pregnancy to celebrate about.